AMIRUL SYAFIQ,i love you so damn fucking strong..the reason that i love you is :
- The way you stand by my side
- The times you make sure nothing will harm me
- How you always find a new way to "WoW" me :D
- When I'm sad, you take the pain away with a joke(suke wt i gelak cm owg gyler,bhahaha :P)
- How you always look deep into my eyes
- How you can make my heart melt with your soft lips(aummm,sounds good :D)
- The way you hold my hand so tight
- The way you never let my hands go
- How you always watch out for me
- They way you make sure I have everything I need
- How you always know what to say when I get mad at you
- When you buy me things out of the blue (intimate!!! :D)
- How you say the cutest things over and over and never gets old
- The way you play with my hair when I'm falling asleep(iloveit :D)
- The times when you where determind for me not to be mad at you anymore
- The way you look when I get all dressed up
- The smile you give after I'm done kissing you (i like mostttt :P)
- The way you act like a dork but make me laugh
- The way your not embarrased to say or do anything in front of me
- How you can just defend me and not be scared (u r very protective dear)
- They way you walk when you get sad !!!
- The look you make when you get jealous
- When Im feeling the worst, you make me feel the happiest
- The way you sing to be all cheesy
- How you can just drive hours to hang out with me (ulg alik dri cheras ke sri kmbngann,n it full of memories!)
- How you always finish my sentences (iloveyouu)
- How your the only one who thinks im NOT weird
- How your the only one who gets my joke... and laughs
- The way we play stupid games, but you play anyways
- How I can never hate you
- How you love me like no other
- The way you touch me as if I might break
- How you tell me long stories that have no meaning, but you know I'll listen anyway
- How you listen to me talk for hours
- How you forgive me when I do wrong
- How you hardly ever get mad at me
- The way you look after I say I love you (smile n smileeee n OMG! geramm i :D)
- How times it seems like we're the only ones here
- the way your not embarrased to call me sweet things in front of anyone
- The way you call me every freakin minute
- The way you always find a way to see me or talk to me
- How you put ME before you friends :)
- How you would do anything I say
- The way you get my attention
- The way I turn you on, without me doing anything
- How you can just speak your mind
- How your not afraid to tell me your feelings
- How you can cry in front of me with out being shy or embarassed
- How you can diss parties to just stay home with me all night
- How we talk on the phone all night
- How we both get along so well
- The way we're so much alike !!!
- How you make me feel when I think I'm nothing
- the way you inspire me with your thoughts and emotions !!!

awat pullah?
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